Apr 22, 2022: Intro

Mega Dewi
2 min readApr 25, 2022

One of my goals in 2022 is that I should count my blessings more. This attitude, surprisingly is what keeps me going when I was on my lowest low at a some times in 2021. Don’t misinterpret this as toxic positivity but the thought of that there is a kind of Higher Power inside us which makes our life problem seems small. That kind of Higher Power which convinces me that, this too shall pass. Journaling, surprisingly help me to heal during these turbulence times.

When I started journaling, it eventually felt like a huge task where it supposedly to be my space to relax. On the other hands, I feel kinda “free” when I posted it on twitter but that’s my not-so safe spaces although my account is protected. Then I suddenly remember that I used to be active on tumblr. Before I deleted it in 2019, I remember I still saved some archives from my tumblr account especially my travelling journals. During those tumblr era, I still remember the joy of writing my daily travelling journal there so why not I moved some of my journal entries into an online platform. The thought of re-activate my tumblr account was almost there until I found that there is better platform named medium so I don’t need to think about the layout (lol) and I can even follow more people that I know, regardless whether the people I know in real life is going to find it or not.

All in all, this is why this medium account is finally here and all I feel is like accomplishing something especially for my 2022 goal.



